As a final result/product of this Intellectual Outcome, we present 47 model lessons included in the e-learning platform, structured in 4 cathegories:
– Math and Sciences (15) (Math, Physics, chemistry)
– IT & Programming (12)(ICT, programming&networking, cyber security, internet, Linux basics
– Technologies (14) (food science, electronics and electrotechnics, maintenance and installations, Audio/Visual, X-Ray, sports, mechanical drawing)
– Transdisciplinary lessons (6) (learning motivation and learning how to learn, career orienting, CLIL, inclusive education)

Each lesson example is an educational package containing:
– the video(s) presenting the teaching material
– the plan for in-class activities, including educational games
– video samples for the in-class activities
– Activity& Resources, including the evaluation and follow-up of the class.

Following the development of competences for teachers during the training and online course on E-Classes on Flipped methodology, the aim of the 3rd IO of the project was to involve teachers to use the flipped model to create lessons at class engaging learning experiences for their students.

The creation of the IO3 included 3 stages:
Stage 1 – Setting up common science and technological disciplines in the partners countries.
Each partner created a working group of teachers acting like creators and promoters of Flipped classes multimedia lessons for science and technological disciplines.
By the help of first short staff training event, teachers interested in the topic were encouraged to engage in this project and express their involvement in creating lessons for STEM disciplines.

Stage 2 – Production of flipped classes multimedia lessons, involved 3 actions:
Action 1 – Video on science and technological topics of study: creation of the video material: video modeling, lecturette, tutorial (a lesson may contain more then one single video (depending on how many concepts have to be presented). So, a serie of 1, 2 or even 3 short video tutorials/lecturettes can cover one single lesson).
The videos are short (no more than 7-10 minutes) and contain something personalised (such as the voice of the teacher, the face of the teacher, both of them) in order to attract the students and make them curious and willing to watch the materials.

The videos are uploaded in the YouTube channel of the project, in the dedicated playlists.

Action 2 – Sharing the concept video with students: teachers delivered to the students the video and they watch the content at home, before class. This gave to the students’ freedom over how, when and where they learn, letting them engage with the video content in the way that suits them best. They could watch alone, with friends, or with parents – and on any device they choose, from their iPhone to their home computer. They could pause, rewind and re-watch and read around the topic. The aim of this stage was that students come to class prepared with knowledge, questions, observations and ideas to underpin the learning process.

Action 3 – Spending class time differently: because the students have watched the video content at home, class time could spent applying that knowledge in engaging, practical, collaborative ways. The teachers were encouraged to craft personalized learning experiences for students according to their needs. Less “sit and listen” resulted in more “do and learn”. Thus, each teachers created an in-class activity plan which was included in the toolkit of the lesson.